Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Geologic Time Cretaceous Period

 The cretaceous period was the heyday of the dinosaur . Hugo carnivores like the tyromosaurus appeared
as did triceatops and many many other . The cretaceous period end 65 million year age with the extinction of
the dinosaurs and many many other prehistorie life forms . this mass extinction was the sceond most extensive
in the history of the earth.

1. What did you enjoy most about this project?
I most enjoy this project about research the picture.
2. What was most challenging about this project? Why?
Most challenging about this project was research the pictures Because have too much pictures to choose.
3 What would you change about this project and why?
Nothing to change about this project.Because I think perfect.
4. What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
Learn about cretaceous period dinosaur kind plant rock record。

Monday, November 14, 2011

 1.What is a star ?

A star is big ball made up of hot and gas.

2.Types of stars.

The star have  different types . for example super giants .giants .white dwarfs and

Main sequence. color. size.luminosity.temperature.

3.H-R Diagram.

Is a chart that scientists use to classify star by their types size and temperatures
4.Nuclear fusion

Is the process in which the two hydrogen molecules combine and transform into one helium molecule, and thus the energy is made.

5.The life cycle of a star.      
   Huge Stars and Giant Stars are also created in Stellar Nebula, then they become Super Giants, then both of them explode into a big cloud called Supernova, than Huge Stars become Neutron Stars and Giant Stars become Black Hole.                 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


saturn_false.jpg (958×759)

Planet order - 6th  from the sun .
Distance from the sun - 1427 millons of km. 
Mass - 5.7 x 10^26 kg,
Diameter- 120.000km.
Moons- 31 or jovian.
1.Planet description.
  In the planet saturn the aura most big and light. is the six planet from the sun ,saturn is it most like jupiter .saturn slow movement mainly composed by hydrogen ice rock.
2. Interesting facts
  saturn the second largest planet in our solar system.